
On our website you can find numerous reviews, both positive and negative ones, about from experienced traders. We try to make sure that all comments are left by real clients of the broker. Here you can ask questions about trading and withdrawal of funds, as well as contact support for assistance. We are the only service that follows the reviews and ensures that they are left by real people, and not by competitors or anyone else interested in improving or deteriorating reputation of the broker.

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“” — is the broker that provides investment portfolio management services, access to the trading platforms and investment strategies. The company was established in the year 2014 by the financial experts’ team, who wanted to remove all barriers and to open the door to the alternative investments.

“” is owned by the licensed “Topic Markets” Ltd. Company controlled by CySEC. “” is the member of Investors Compensation Fund, whose task is to protect investors through the insurance procedure.

For trading this broker offers several trading terminals:

  • Simple — the terminal was developed in view of requirements of the traders-beginners to control risks and to make the market operations simpler. This platform gives the possibility to practice closing transactions before starting real trading;
  • Pro — the terminal for experienced traders. The platform has a comfortable interface and a wide range of options for the effective trading.

“” investment strategies apply computer algorithms for automatic trading. They are developed to search for the investment opportunities and to get benefits from the changeable market conditions just like the hedge-funds do.

The alternative investments were previously available only for the investors with big volume of funds in order to diversify the investments, to lower the risks and to increase the profit-making potential. “” reviews act as a confirmation that all customers may have the possibility to use smart and alternative investment strategies.

To deposit or to withdraw money the clients of “” can use Visa, MasterCard, Diners and Discover cards, as well as to transfer their money via the bank. The broker is adhered to the highest security standards and uses the high-tech SSL encryption to ensure the safety of its customers’ information. Beyond that, “” stores all the information on the servers in the secured stations, and regularly checks its systems.
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