
On our website you can find numerous reviews, both positive and negative ones, about StockPair from experienced traders. We try to make sure that all comments are left by real clients of the broker. Here you can ask questions about trading and withdrawal of funds, as well as contact support for assistance. We are the only service that follows the reviews and ensures that they are left by real people, and not by competitors or anyone else interested in improving or deteriorating reputation of the broker.

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Broker review StockPair



This company is added to the Blaсklist of brokers

“StockPair” broker, reviews about which can be found on many Forex-resources, offers its customers only high-quality working conditions with the minimum deposit of $200. The interface of the broker’s trading platform is quite user-friendly, so traders won’t have a problem getting their hands in it.

“StockPair” broker, whose rating is very high today, has extensive technical capabilities. For instance, any trader can stop a transaction in case he/she sees some risks for his/her deposit. This feature has been already mentioned in numerous positive reviews submitted by various traders. “StockPair” broker has rich functionality, even though it doesn’t have too many features which would allocate it among other brokers working in this area. The registration of a trading account presents no difficulties and takes minimum amount of time. The platform of “StockPair” company has its personal web-version, thus eliminating the necessity to download it directly to a customer’s computer.

The rating of “StockPair” company is quite an important aspect for this broker, so its business activity is licensed by the CySEC authority. All the funds of the company’s traders are stored on segregated accounts, which rules out their use by a third party. With a view to preventing the unauthorized access to the accounts of “StockPair” company, its specialists have implemented 256-bit SSL encryption that ensures maximum data security level. Today, reviews about “StockPair” company make it possible to get a true picture of the company’s business activity. You can deposit your trading account through the most popular payment systems and by means of bank transfers. The trading is available with the minimum deposit of $250 or its equivalent in other currencies. To complete the authentication procedure, it is necessary to send the identity documents.

Rating 0 0
Confidence: -10
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