
On our website you can find numerous reviews, both positive and negative ones, about Forenexx from experienced traders. We try to make sure that all comments are left by real clients of the broker. Here you can ask questions about trading and withdrawal of funds, as well as contact support for assistance. We are the only service that follows the reviews and ensures that they are left by real people, and not by competitors or anyone else interested in improving or deteriorating reputation of the broker.

Real reviews of Forenexx 2024

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“Forenexx” – is the experienced STP/MTF forex-broker that has a considerable range of analytical materials in Forex-industry thanks to unique license contracts. “Forenexx” – is the only service provider of 3 analytical support – Trading Central, and DailyFX PLUS.

The broker offers its customers the newest principles of currencies trading, Contract For Difference, access to Forex and STP-processing of the transactions. All the postponed transactions that are directly transacted via the web-platform or the trading platform are automatically saved within MTF system.

The key advantage of the trading – MTF-system operates with STP/DMA technologies, on which DMA-transactions are transacted directly, and the traders are offered with the minimum cost of transactions. Reviews about “Forenexx” confirm the reliability of working with this broker.

“Forenexx” offers several types of trading accounts:

- Standard, with deposit from USD 500

- Professional, with deposit from USD 5 000

- VIP Trader, with deposit from USD 25 000

- Prime, with deposit from USD 100 000

Trading is performed via terminals:

- МТ4;

- Mirror Trader;

- Trading Station II.

There are several ways to deposit/withdraw money:

- Bank transfers

- Master Card/Visa cards

- QIWI payment system.

Rating 0 0
Confidence: 0.00
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