ForexChief updated MetaTrader servers and web terminals links
ForexChief, a leading forex broker, has announced important changes in its trading infrastructure. According to the company's official announcement, the server name on MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 terminals has been updated.
Clients should now use the following server names to connect to their accounts:
For MT4.PRIME accounts: xChief-DirectFX
For MT4.DirectFX accounts: xChief-DirectFX
For MT4.Classic accounts: xChief-Classic
For MT4.CENT accounts: xChief-Classic
For MT5.PRIME accounts: xChief-MT5.
For MT5.DirectFX accounts: xChief-MT5
For MT5.Classic accounts: xChief-MT5
For MT5.CENT accounts: xChief-MT5
These changes will be automatically applied to platform updates. However, to ensure the best trading experience, the broker advises all users to install the latest version of the xChief trading platform.
In addition, the broker informs about the change to new links for accessing the web terminals:
MT4 web terminal: https://my.xchief.com/web-terminal/mt4/
MT5 web terminal: https://my.xchief.com/web-terminal/mt5/
ForexChief asks all clients to consider these changes and, in case of questions, to contact the support service.