ForexChief announces changes in trading schedule for May 27, 2024
Due to the Memorial Day holiday in the US and Bank Holiday in the UK, broker ForexChief has provided details about adjustments in the trading schedule for Monday, May 27, 2024.
Changes in the trading schedule:
Forex – trading under a regular schedule;
Metals – trading closes early at 21:30 (UTC+3);
Commodities – trading under a regular schedule;
STOXX50, DAX40, CAC40, ASX200, FTSE100, HSI50 – trading under a regular schedule;
DJI30, SPX500, NQ100, NIKK225 – trading closes at 20:00 (UTC+3);
Stocks – no trading;
Cryptocurrencies – trading under a regular schedule.
The broker asks its clients to take these changes into account when planning their trading on the given day.
Broker ForexChief provides its clients with a wide range of instruments, including cryptocurrencies, as well as alternative methods of generating income that do not require independent trading. In addition, users can participate in affiliate programs or invest assets in automated copy trading. The broker operates on the STP/NDD model, which eliminates conflicts of interest between the company and its clients and significantly improves the quality of services.