
On our website you can find numerous reviews, both positive and negative ones, about City Credit Capital from experienced traders. We try to make sure that all comments are left by real clients of the broker. Here you can ask questions about trading and withdrawal of funds, as well as contact support for assistance. We are the only service that follows the reviews and ensures that they are left by real people, and not by competitors or anyone else interested in improving or deteriorating reputation of the broker.

Real reviews of City Credit Capital 2024

2017-05-22 Malan

Forex brokers rating says City Credit Capital is sort of a middle class company. But maybe it’s not such a good idea to chase only leaders. It seems like all these top companies just lure green traders with so-called “profitable” conditions, but…I dunno… and suchlike companies work slow but sure. I think I would select City Credit Capital.

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“CityCreditCapital” company has been founded in the year 2001 and it has been cooperating with private investors, brokers and banks up to the present moment. The broker is under the FCA regulations, that confirms that the company complies with the trading rules.

The specialization of broker - is CFD trading. Using MarketsTrader traders are provided with round-the-clock access to the world’s financial markets.

Reviews about “CityCreditCapital” prove that the company respects the following principles: abiding legal and normative base, provision of the highly-competent technical support and so on. The broker is confident that such an environment ensures the transparency of all operations.

The broker’s platform is available on PC. Moreover, all functions of this system are accessible for the mobile phones.

Traders can adjust MarketsTrader platform for their taste, including the use of more than 20 market indicators and numerous financial instruments.

The main advantages of the company:

  • Beginners demo-account;
  • Partnership upon White Label terms;
  • 24-hour support service;
  • Customers funds security;
  • FSCS compensation program;
  • Fixed spreads;
  • FCA regulations;
  • High trading leverage.

Everyday traders can review free-of-charge technical analysis that helps to make their trade more profitable.

On the website of “CityCreditCapital” there is a special section for those who are just learning to trade. Apart from that, this company offers their traders to work under the profitable partner program.

City Credit Capital
Rating 0.5 1
Confidence: 0.00
0 1 0 1
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