Admirals has made changes to its management team
Broker Admirals has made changes to the structure of its Supervisory Board and Management Board in order to make the company more efficient after its revenues fell by 51% in the first half of 2023.
By resolution of the company's General Meeting of Shareholders, Anton Tikhomirov has been removed from the Supervisory Board of Admiral Group AS with effect from January 3, 2024. At the same time, the Supervisory Board approved his appointment as a member of the Management Board of Admirals Group AS as of January 4, 2024.
Anton Tikhomirov has worked in the financial industry for more than 24 years and has experience managing a brokerage company. He joined the Admirals team in 2012. He was first appointed to the Supervisory Board of Admiral Markets AS and, in 2016, to the Supervisory Board of Admirals Group AS. In his position, he oversaw Admirals' activities in Spain and Latin America and later took over the oversight of the regional structure.
In addition, by resolution of the Supervisory Board of Admirals Group AS, Daniel Josef Skowronski was removed from the Management Board of Admirals Group AS as of January 3, 2024.
As of January 3, 2024, Alexander Tsikhilov, Anatoly Mikhalchenko, Dmitriy Lausch, and Priit Rohumaa were appointed to the Supervisory Board of Admirals Group AS.
Thus, as of January 4, 2024, the Board of Directors of Admirals Group AS consists of Sergei Bogatenkov, Andres Ioannou, Andrew Cox, and Anton Tikhomirov.
The Admirals brokerage company was established in 2001 under the brand Admiral Markets. It is registered and licensed by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Currently, the company operates in more than 40 countries and has a cash turnover of $40 billion.