News SimpleFX
Broker SimpleFX launches SFX coins drawing

Broker SimpleFX launches SFX coins drawing

SimpleFX, a renowned online trading platform, has announced an exciting new promotion “SFX Coin Giveaway” that offers participants a unique opportunity to earn SFX Coins by sharing valuable trading knowledge. This giveaway is open from September 2 to September 13, 2024 and encourages traders to reflect on their trading experience and share key lessons they have learned.

Participation in the SFX Coin Giveaway is simple and can be done through SimpleFX's official social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. To take advantage of this initiative, participants simply need to subscribe to SimpleFX on one of the platforms, find the giveaway post and leave a comment with a key lesson they have learned from their trading journey.

The promotion is open to all registered SimpleFX clients, as well as new users who sign up during the promotion period. However, each participant is only eligible to win once, regardless of how many platforms they participate on. This ensures that more traders get a chance to be rewarded for their contribution.

The terms and conditions of the promotion stipulate that a maximum of 30 winners will be selected, with 10 winners from each social network - Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Each winner will receive 2 SFX coins that can be used in the SimpleFX ecosystem. This award serves not only as an incentive to participate, but also as an introduction to more opportunities in the SimpleFX trading environment.

The company's goal with this giveaway is to engage with the trading community, encourage them to share their experiences, and give them the opportunity to earn rewards.

The SFX Coin Giveaway is another example of SimpleFX's commitment to creating a vibrant and interactive trading community. By offering these promotions, the platform continues to maintain a space where both novice and experienced traders can learn, share, and grow together.

Participants should keep in mind that they must have an active account on the SimpleFX platform to receive rewards, as SFX coins will be credited directly to their accounts.

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