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Broker review BDSwiss


“BDSwiss” company is quite well-known in the field of the binary options trading. The year of its creation is 2012. This broker is owned by “BD Swiss Holding” PLC – Cyprus Investment Company, whose activities are regulated by CySEC authority.

“BDSwiss” rating is growing rapidly, thanks to comfortable SpotOption platform and good relation to the customers. This terminal requires no additional software installation and you can trade in online mode from any part of the world. According to the reviews about “BDSwiss”, the trading terminal is provided by “SpotOption”, which is one of the leading providers of the trading terminals for the majority of the brokerage companies in the binary options area.

“BDSwiss” company presents a wide range of assets to trade: currencies, raw materials, indices and stocks. The minimum initial deposit in only EUR 100 and the minimum rate volume is EUR 5 for short-period options and EUR 25 for other types of options. Relying on the reviews about “BDSwiss” company, it seems very comfortable, because in case the customer makes only EUR 100 deposit, he/she can purchase 20 short-period options, and this is no doubt clear advantage over the companies-competitors, where only 5-10 options can be purchased for that amount of money.

“BDSwiss” rating is quite high among the customers, because this broker offers a choice of many ways for money deposition/withdrawal. Thus, the money is credited to your account immediately, except those cases when you use bank transfers that may actually take up to seven days. It should be noted, that this company has a special procedure of the identity verification that serves to improve the security of the company’s work. This procedure already has a great amount of positive reviews. “BDSwiss” company took this measure in order to comply with the requirements of Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering.

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