On our website you can find numerous reviews, both positive and negative ones, about FXFINPRO Capital from experienced traders. We try to make sure that all comments are left by real clients of the broker. Here you can ask questions about trading and withdrawal of funds, as well as contact support for assistance. We are the only service that follows the reviews and ensures that they are left by real people, and not by competitors or anyone else interested in improving or deteriorating reputation of the broker.
Broker review FXFINPRO Capital
“FXFINPRO Capital” is considered to be the controlled European broker that gives the access to Forex market. The business of this company is regulated by CySEC. The positive reviews of “FXFINPRO Capital” are the uncontestable guarantee for traders to receive only high-quality service. Beyond that, this company focuses on the high working standards, which are determined by MiFID Directive.
The broker’s team includes common traders, financiers and experts. The key task of the broker is to build the effective collaboration with the traders. For that purpose the broker makes great efforts to offer its investors the most beneficial investment opportunities, to provide its traders with the immediate execution of the trading orders, operations transparency and minimum spreads volumes, and to give its partners the flexible system of bonuses.
The customer is able to work with 3 types of the trading account:
- STP Prime;
- STP Professional;
- Trader Workstation.
“FXFINPRO Capital” offers the following trading terminals: ProTrader 3, MetaTrader 4, and Trader Workstation.
To deposit or to withdraw the yield it is possible to choose among the following variants:
- bank transfers;
- MasterCard/Visa cards;
Real reviews of FXFINPRO Capital 2025