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Broker review MXTrade
“MXTrade” – is the brand owned by “Grizzly Limited”. “MXTrade” rating is pretty high among other competitors due to the fact that this broker presents the high-quality services in the field of the internet-trading, and also works with private and institutional customers from more than 140 countries of the world. For its activities on Forex the company uses one of the most popular trading technological developments in this sphere.
The company was created by the team of financial specialists with a solid experience of work in Forex online-trading. Based on the analysis of “MXTrade” reviews it’s clear that a great amount of traders turn to the new customers of this broker, and as for “MXTrade” reviews made by the long-standing clients – it is fully obvious that this broker is the particular one having enough advantages.
One of the key broker’s platform advantages are user-friendly software and comfortable interface, which will definitely be clear even to the beginning traders.
There are several trading accounts this broker offers:
- Deposit – USD 250
- Lot – from 0.01
- Spread – floating
- Deposit – USD 5000
- Lot – from 0.01
- Spread – floating
- Deposit – USD 20 000
- Lot – from 0.01
- Spread –fixed
- Deposit – USD 10 000
- Lot – from 0.01
- Spread – fixed
The trading is carried out via the popular and well-trusted MetaTrader 4 terminal that has a lot of positive reviews. “MXTrade” broker offer a wide range of ways to deposit/withdraw your money, including electronic payment systems, which significantly simplify deposition/withdrawal procedure. “MXTrade” rating rises up with every passing day, which perfectly indicates the good quality of the offered features and services that are highly rated by the company’s customers.
Real reviews of MXTrade 2025