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Broker review EXANTE


“EXANTE” company - is the new-generation investment broker, that offers all its clients the access to a wide range of the trading instruments and financial markets. The broker constantly works to develop and to create the most suitable conditions for trading, demonstrating to traders the transparency of the pricing system.

One of the main tasks of “EXANTE” is the intention to become an example of reliability and availability of the markets in the area of financial mediation, and reviews of “EXANTE” demonstrate that this company does manage.

This broker started in 2011 году, and its headquarters are located in Malta. The company possesses the licence to provide services in the field of investments management, which has been issued by MFSA (Malta Financial Services Authority).

The traders of this company have the access to the financial markets, user-friendly terminal to conclude transactions, and to the top-quality support from “EXANTE” investment team.

To perform trading activities clients are offered with the single account and the integrated multi-product terminal ensures optimal portfolio management and objective views on the financial markets situation in general. The trading is performed via EXANTE Automated Trading Platform (ATP) that has the extensive set of the trading instrumentarium, that is constantly upgraded. Moreover, there is the possibility to trade with the help of FIX protocol, which facilitates access to the world’s financial markets. The company also has modifications of the terminal for devices on Windows, Mac и Linux.

Trading conditions:

  • Leverage: market
  • Minimum deposit: USD 10 000
  • Immediate execution of orders with minimum delays period
  • Real-time executions
  • Hedging is allowed

To make deposit customer has to use the bank transfer service, that is the safest way in accordance to company’s opinion.

Rating 0 0
Confidence: 0.00
0 0 0 0
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